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Do the Ten Commandments play a role in the life of the Christian believer? If so, what is that role? Are they rules to be memorized and obeyed or do they reflect an unattainable standard that shows us our need for Christ? Pink examines the significance of the Decalogue for both the nation of Israel and today's believer, in a study that will enlighten and challenge your understanding of an...

But some may ask, “Has not the Law been fully abrogated by the coming of Christ into the world? Would you bring us under that heavy yoke of bondage which none has ever been able to bear? Does not the New Testament expressly declare that we are not under the Law, but under Grace; that Christ was made under the Law to free His people therefrom? Is not an attempt to overawe men’s conscience by the authority of the Decalogue a legalistic imposition, altogether at variance with that Christian liberty
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